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    Jak jsme jeli na vylet
    Vikend na jihu zeme

    Jelikoz ma muj tatinek Jim sestru v Hlavnim meste Wisconsinu, rozhodli jsme se, ze ji musime jet navstivit, tim spis, bo jsem jeste nevidela "State Capital". Na tri a pul hodinovou cestu jsme se vydali v patek po seste hodine. Dokud bylo svetlo, pozorovala jsem "wildlife", protoze musim delat poznamky, co v prirode vidim do skoly. Byli jsme tri... Ridil tatinek Jim. A krome na par mesicu adoptovane dcerky se v auticku nachazela maminka Mickey. Na misto jsme dorazili kolem desate a meli hlad. Po kratkem seznamovani jsme obednali cinske jidlo (mnam mnam, je to dobra bastizna :) a pak sli spinkat bo nas cekal dlouhy vylet a brzke vstavani sobotni.

    Na planu byl vylet. zajeli jsme do Milwakiee (neco jako ceska Plzen = kolebka wisconsinskeho piva) a pak do Racine, kde jsme nakupovali levne cistici materialy, svicky a igelitovy pytlicky, ktery sou tady zakladem rodiny) a pak huraaaaaaa k jezeru Michigan. Pro nezemepisce se jedna o jedno a to o to prostredni z velkych jezer. ted uz mi zbyva videt jen to posledni.... Opet jsem pozorovala wildlife! a sli jsme na vyborny obidek do Mexicke restaurace. Mnam. Po ceste domu jsme se rozmysleli, zda skocit ci neskocit na drobitko do chicaga, bo jsme byli hodinu od nej. Nakonec jsme jeli domu. Doma jsme skoukli film Shrek, kdo nevidel vrele doporucuju, je to kreslenej filmik pro nedeti... a je to pekny! Ovsem maminka Mickey si moc filmik nevychutnala, bo ji skolil bolehlav a to nejaky hrozivy obludny... Chudinka zbytek dne prospinkala. Ale my zdravy jsme se vydali v deset "Downtown Madison" prisli sme ke kapitolu, ktery byl krasne nasvetlen a co se nestalo.... fsecky dvere byly zamceny.... Moje Americka rodina se tomu desne podivovala, mne to az tak zvlastni teda nepride... Ale ja jsem cizinka, tak co ze jo... Pak jsme jeste zaskocili do jednoho hezouckeho moderniho staveni s fontanou, kde byla svatba... Nejaka hlidacka nas ale vyhodila, ze budova se pro verejnost zavira v pet... Ale Jimova sestra, ktera byla pred septembrem 11th v Praze pronesla, ze sem z Jugoslavie a ze uz se "downtown" nedostanem :))))

    Po dobrodruznem vylete jsme se vydali domu spinkat... v nedeli onen obludni bolehlav skolil tatinka Jimiho, tak se maminka nadovovala praskama a odfrceli jsme smer ku Rice Laku. Opet jsem pozorovala "wildlife" to by na me byla pane pani ucitelka Holaskova pysna...

    Nutno dodat, ze k nam pomalu dorazilo jaro, vetsina snehu roztala a dneska vylezla teplota az na 81 stupnu coz je pres dvacen celsiovych... no a protoze se nemuzu srovnat s tim, jak v teto zemi kynu, okamzina po navratu domu jsem sla na prochazku...vratila jsem se asi za 2 hodiny. Po celou dobu jsem ovsem pozorovala "wildlife".

    Neco kolem pate se prisinul jeden z mych kamaradu spolu se trema bratrancema a tim se zaplnila nase driveway auty... Meli jsme doma takova male privatni parkovistatko. No a nakonec me ta banda ukecala abych s nima sla do "Juth group" coz znamena asi tolik, ze se sejdou mlady lidi, co chodej do stejnyho kostela u nekoho doma a resej, jak by se zachovali v jaky situaci kdyby.... a cely je to podlozeny pribehy z bible... Tema dne bylo uteky z domu.

    Nakonec jsme to cely zakoncily koukanim na film... tak takhle nejak vypadal muj "bussy" vikend.

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    At last the cracks in the eu and the euro are <a href="">shiwong</a>. I find it interesting that the people the money actually belongs to ie: the tax payers in all the member countries are never consulted as to how it's used, the politicians just sit there writing checks as if it's their own personal ATM so why would Britain, who's been pretty well sucked dry by the eu, (and still no one can tell me what it is we gain from membership when we did very little trading with Europe before this big con came into being) why would we want the euro, of course I'm sure that our traitorous government can be bought for the usual pocket of gold.
    of the above.Sometimes I really weondr if this is not more about frustration than about finding a solution.1. In wanting to get out irrespective of the economic costs.I have never seen a proper answer on how the UK wants to keep its export going in the process of leaving the EU. Which should happen, for most at least, by Dave going to Brussels and 'middlefingering' Barroso (the idea is of course appealing but..). Several times it is mentioned that it likley will create for a couple of years a mountain of paperwork (and likely extra levies), but all we get is we import more from them than we export to them. Simply a completely useless answer to the original question.2. Is it about getting only an in/out referendum or is it to have arrangements in place for the decades to come that work. Again it looks like the former. Again it doesnot make clear why the split will not tank the UK economy. We hear that now less than 50% is EU trade, well the UK can simply not afford to lose that other 48% or even a part thereof.And that will be hold against you in an in/out referendum. And you know as well as I that if business start to advertise for an 'in', because they are rightly afraid of the consequences the majority will likely vote for an 'in'. They are simply afraid of their job. You simply donot make your case and give answers to the most important questions (like will it not tank the economy).3. The UK is part of Europe. May be not Europe as in EU, but in a geographical and economical sense it is. Whether you like it or not there will be (and remain) relations between the UK and the EU. And these will be necessary to keep the UKs standard of living at what it now is. You donot come up with any realistic ideas about that relation in the future. The next period will of course give rise to irritations but that should not be made worse than it is. Barroso and Co are dodgy and hardly democratic but they are no Hitler and Mussolini. Several democratic countries simply want to be part of it.4. Coming back to my point that it looks largely frustration. If you want an in/out referendum AND want that that to succeeed, for likely most of the voters you will have to come up with answers to the questions asked above. This way it is not going to work and you probably know that. The issue is simply to complicated to arrange properly by having Dave going tomorrow or so to Brussels and come back the same day as the PM of a truly free/liberated country. [url=]zhqzqnd[/url] [link=]utjtyswvoae[/link]

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