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Naši pravidelní "nakukovači" si možná pamatují, jak jsme se s Eloušicí fotily u Wagiho taťkovi pro inspiraci. S Jáchymem jsme se rozhodi, že půjdeme zase a tentokráte všichni čtyři. Tak příjemné pokoukání :) (ah)
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11.11.2014 11:38:38 |
Marcuz |
Why is it seen by so many as inevitable that we will all bomece one combined state..... Why this rush of blood to the head that links one EU nation as something akin to a Startrek type dream.... and while some seem to believe it is evolution, I would disagree - nothing is pre-ordained, and the EU model is the worst possible type to merge nations together under. I still cannot understand why the concept of the commission becoming THE EU government appeals to anybody. They lack every trait that makes for a decent government, are third rate politicians horse traded into high office, and are broadly incompetent with no vision. Surely nobody in their righ mind would want such a government! |
09.03.2010 19:55:09 |
2ta z 3nca |
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