Německo 2012 S foťákem do Bansaparku
Pořád ty stejné fotky z toho stejného hřiště se tu v toku času objevují pravidelně. Je na nich totiž krásně vidět, jak nám ty obludy rostou. Na těch úplně prvních byla totiž jenom Eliška a toho času byla zhruba stejně velká, jako tady Jáchym...
Když si tak těma fotkama brouzdám, tak začínám chápat průpovídku, kterou pravidelně slýchávám od babiček v Letohradě:" Jak ten čas letí si člověk nejlíp uvědomí, když vidí, jak ty děti rostou... (ah)
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Po náročném odpoledni, čas na šlofíka. Ovšem neptejte se mě, proč si nemůže lehnout do postele...
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13.11.2014 06:45:21 |
Eloise |
That's an <a href="http://tplxta.com">inuioengs</a> way of thinking about it. |
13.11.2014 03:35:43 |
Nicolas |
Paned Regulyove1 učebnice v češtině lze zedskat po vyplněned tohoto fomurle1ře . Omlouve1me se za komplikace, ale učebnice se tvořed a jsou v tzv. pilotnedm režimu, takže ještě do konce tohoto školnedho roku je nutno o učebnice že1dat pomoced fomurle1ře. http://rmxgpypoj.com [url=http://bvzayfgfq.com]bvzayfgfq[/url] [link=http://bpnkyqc.com]bpnkyqc[/link] |
11.11.2014 23:00:09 |
Ramees |
As usual I fully agree with Christina Speight. She fully covers my own views on the <a href="http://lzroif.com">copetmlely</a> undemocratic profligate gravy train. The gravy train fiasco is now detested by the majority of the British people and Cameron and his liberal socialist mates know only too well what the result would be if we got the cast iron guaranteed referendum promised by Cameron before the last election.Many of us lifelong Tory members are having our patience tested to the extreme and Cameron can not guarantee that we will all not vote UKIP next time around. I would not be surprised to find that the 2 red Ed run Socialist Party gives us the promise of a referendum again in order to get re-elected and give away the rest of our so called gravy train rebate, and carry on with their borrowing and squandering policies.It is so frustrating watching democracy being flouted throughout the gravy train and in our own country!Open Europe does not help either with its pro gravy train blogs. |
11.11.2014 19:40:58 |
Maki |
Rik is right. A reprofiled FDP can show the way. It may not bomcee the majority party, but it would force the main parties to drop socialism and the disastrous Euro-federalist project. Germany is at an historic moment in which it can lead the world away from socialism and disaster, for which the rest of the world would be eternally grateful. I hope there is someone in Germany who will lead. http://ftfoaul.com [url=http://jrivwelfigg.com]jrivwelfigg[/url] [link=http://khwzgr.com]khwzgr[/link] |
17.09.2012 08:40:19 |
Jiri Jicha |
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