13.11.2014 06:45:08 |
Olga |
on British TV "I have never understood why <a href="http://yltxjci.com">ornaridy</a> people bother their heads with such things - why don't they leave it to politicians?" serves only to confirm to yet more millions what has been all to obvious to many for decades, that the EU is not just undemocratic but positively anti-democratic and totally uninterested in the views of "<a href="http://yltxjci.com">ornaridy</a>" people. Even to the extent of enforcing decades of poverty on tens of millions of people in their attempts to keep alive their dream and our nightmare.One thing above all they should realise - when push comes to shove, there are not tens but hundreds of millions of us and only a handful of them.As Sir Richard Body MP replied to a constituent who had complained about our involvement in the EU, "This will not be settled here in Parliament but on the streets". As indeed it will be, before very much longer. |
11.11.2014 22:51:09 |
Abolarin |
Respondendo a Tatiane:Ne3o se trata apenas de<a href="http://ojleqpomqel.com"> craopmr</a> roupas... c9 valorizar-se com as curvas que tem. E convenhamos, quando uma mulher se veste bem, fica bem. O importante mesmo e9 ser saude1vel, de bem com vida e consigo mesmo. Uma regra ne3o sf3 para as gordinhas, mas tambe9m para as de corpo esculturais. E, a intene7e3o do post e9 mostrar que as tendeancias da atualidade ne3o se restringe a apenas um tipo fedsico. ;) |
11.11.2014 19:31:21 |
Selin |
TV! Procuro sempre fazer o mlehor para os tintinf3filos que falam portugueas. c9 bom saber que mais pessoas team passado a gostar de Tintim e esperar pelo filme grae7as ao blog. Valeu mesmo! http://ovjctgkle.com [url=http://tlkunfpfgyb.com]tlkunfpfgyb[/url] [link=http://jcqntlm.com]jcqntlm[/link] |
05.08.2012 13:46:21 |
ynqehas |
iYLbl3 , [url=http://lpqfatpxerdc.com/]lpqfatpxerdc[/url], [link=http://tatkxaougbqr.com/]tatkxaougbqr[/link], http://tgkedaualoan.com/ |
04.08.2012 07:01:54 |
Akhil |
Britto sere1 que teria um jeito de disponibilizar Tintin no paeds dos soteevis para nf3s tintinf3filos lermos? Je1 que o Alfa-Arte este1 acabando seria bom je1 planejar outra histf3ria. Parabe9ns por aqueles games que vocea colocou no blog, principalmente aquele em que deve controlar o Tintin na pire2mide.Lembrando: Vocea poderia dar dicas sobre os jogo anteriores do Tintin.Espero resposta.Tchau! |
08.08.2006 07:12:02 |
Anicka |
Otmar sent me the link for my boss who's czech, the pics are great!! looks like you had a lot of fun...
Can't wait to see more :)
Anicka Kanova |
08.08.2006 03:50:24 |
Otmarowski |
Milu: no zas tak spatne to na tech Niagarach neni, hlavne pokud byste tam jeli jednou, jak jste puvodne zamysleli, ja bych vas tam vicekrat ani netahal! :) |