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    No, me1me se na co těšit :-)).Na okraj, kterfd člen vfdpravy mluved francouzsky?Nebo jste na tom jako ti dva borci ze Štatlu co jeli na ze1jezd do Paředže s Čedokem?Zašli do prvotředdned<a href=""> ruesatrace</a> a začali zkoumat jeddelned ledstek. Samozřejmě ničemu nerozuměli, ani jeden ani druhfd francouzsky nemluvil. Tož jeden povedde1, co si objedne1me a jak to řekneme? Ten druhfd, to je jednoduchfd. Ve frančtině každfd slovo začedne1 na la, a to stačed.Přišel čedšnedk a řekl něco o čem usoudili, že se pte1 co si pe1nove9 objednajed. Tož jeden z borců zave1led, la pivo, la vepřo, la knedlo, la zelo. Čedšnedk mlčky kfdvne a za chvilku postaved před každfdho škopek. A netrve1 to dlouho a přihrne se s vepřovfdm. Jak klade taledře na stůl, jeden borec zahle1sed tomu druhfdmu, videdš, měl sem recht, stačed ředct la a dostaneš všechno. Čedšnedk se usme1l a podotknul, jo, borci, kdybych nebyl z Vysočan tak byste dostali akore1t la hovno!C. :-))
    "Accommodate the principle of<a href=""> ssiaidburity</a>, rather than continuing to shift competencies to the European level."Once again, I don't want the insulting sop of "subsidiarity", I want the UK government and by extension the UK Parliament to have a veto on every EU proposal.Then if they wished they could still claim that under the treaties the EU had the competence to do something; but we could veto it anyway without even bothering to argue that point, let alone running off in a probably fruitless quest to the ECJ.The UK must be able to exercise a national veto on all EU proposals, simple, nothing less will do.
    So; the glorious EU is the only way to enrsue peace and freedom for the people of Europe and without our beloved masters in Brussels we would all start World War III? Oh, unless your Turkish of course, because er, er, er, because your Turkish and you aren't really European so your can't join.How on earth has Canada managed to avoid a war with the USA all these years and what about those states of the USA that now have more autonomy than supposed national governments in Europe; why no rebellion?Let's get this straight:-1) There will be no long term peace without democratic freedom for every individual in Europe; a straight jacket for one's own good is just not acceptable. The EUSSR system will ultimately fail in a big way, just the same as the original USSR model did. Nation states can get on just fine without Big Brother EU telling them what to do thank you.2) There is no freedom in unemployment and poor economic performance due to crass 'one size fits all' EU policies such as the Euro. I am amazed that the people of Greece and Spain amongst others have not taken up arms yet (there's still time though).Let's forget the crass theories of how to manufacture a superstate and look at what works and what doesn't. What will work is free trade and the Common Market that was originally sold to the UK voter back in 1975, plus 150 years of joint trade and fellowship. What evidently does not work is the undemocratic 'we know best because we're really clever and you're not' commissars in Brussels telling everyone else what to do. Top down management of this sort hobbles along in the short term and fails badly in the long term.Dream on Mr. Issing, dream on. [url=]huidpye[/url] [link=]ypcvrmtorxl[/link]
    Meteogram Aladin ukazal na nedlei pred obedem a nespletl se. Po desti, deset stupnu, cca 2 metry. Bohuzel se ukazalo, ze baterka pro Supru je ve firme a zatim nemam vsechny klice. V aute jsem mel nastesti EK, melo uz dva starty. Trocha prace snad jen pul hodinky a mohl jsem letet.Q**2000 mm530 gramuMotor DS 2826EA-9, bat. DS 1200-2S 60C, regl DS 30, AE 10 61. start: 23s / 9:58 / 150 cm2. start: 24s / 9:46 / 0 cm3. start: 20s / 9:55 / 1000 cm celkem 161 bodu.Bylo to fajne. Behem prvniho startu jsem od 6. minuty letal asi ve 30 metrech okolo hlavy, ve 3. startu jsem se hezky svezl ale vysunul moc brzo brzdy.Vysledek je mizerny jednak diky lidskemu faktoru, jednak diky provozovani motoru systemem RCEK: max. vykon, bez ohledu na ucinnost. Z toho pak vyjde vysoky koeficient.
    no vidět kdo chce medt faspěchy.moc pěknfd.předprava se vyplated.mnoho zdaru.lecktere1 sdružened mohou jen ze1vidě tedmto je vidět pre1ce a fasiled.velke9 plus.
    No ono, ne vzdy ma clovek na vyber, ze jo...


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